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Mother Child Clinics In Dire Straits

Mother-Child Clinics in Dire Straits

Andreas Philippi Seeks Information at Thomas Specialty Clinic

North Sea Spa Norderney: A Certified Clinic for Prevention and Rehabilitation

Norderney, Germany - The Thomas Morus Specialty Clinic, located near the North Sea beach and the center of Norderney, faces severe financial difficulties. Andreas Philippi, a representative from the German Bundestag, visited the clinic to gather information about the situation.

The North Sea Spa Norderney is a recognized prevention and rehabilitation clinic that provides specialized care for mothers and children. However, due to changes in healthcare funding and the rising costs of operating a specialized facility, the clinic has been struggling to stay afloat.

Philippi's visit aimed to understand the challenges faced by the clinic and explore potential solutions. He met with the clinic's management and staff to discuss the impact of funding cuts and the need for sustainable funding models.
